C4C LIVE is the Hidden Event at Balticon 43!

This Memorial Day, we’ll be doing another “Live” Calls For Cthulhu at Balticon. The way it works is that, if you’re there, you can ask Cthulhu a question and be answered live. Not only will you be given an answer directly, but you’ll also be recorded and mixed into the next C4C episode.

Last year, this was a blast. We had a great time and we posted the episode fairly recently (I’ll be re-posting it on YouTube in the coming weeks).

Now, remember, this is the hidden event, so there’s no mention of it on any of the handouts or schedules. You have to be there when it happens to be part of this. So if someone you know likes the show, tell them the secret, and get them to Balticon fast!

Hope to see you there!

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